Join the organisation w/ access to gym and studio

Only RUC employees and students can sign up for memberships.
Your friends, children, partners, etc. cannot join unless they are RUC students or employees.
We also accept RUC alumni who’ve previously been members of RUCsport.

The gym is open 24/7 for members.

How to join RUCsport

You can register and pay your membership here:

  • You need an active RUC-mail to join
  • You will be able to get access to the gym the following weekday (Mon-Fri) after your payment.
  • We accept all Danish and major international credit cards.
  • Our payments are automatically charged to your card at 100dkk/monthly.

There is no limitation on number of members.
All members who fulfill all criteria (enrollment/work, payment, registration) will be registered.

The membership entitles you to

  • Use our facilities on campus (gym + dance studio)
  • Option to buy our exclusive membership merch (t-shirts with the logo)
  • Have your voice heard during decision making.
  • Request new activities and sports equipment.
  • Vote and run for our board at the general assembly.
  • Participate at the general assembly, where we present our economy, vote on bylaws, and decide on how to run the organisation.

How to quit RUCsport

Email us at info@rucsport stating your name and that you want to end your membership. That’s all.

Your membership is renewed on the first weekday (Mon-Fri) of every month.

You can cancel at anytime – your membership will then run until your next due date but it’ll end instead of charging you.


You email us on the 15th of January stating you want to end your membership.
You will be able to train for the rest of January for which you’ve already paid.
Your membership closes on the first weekday of February.

Pictures of the gym

Pictures of the gym can be found at

Membership conditions

By joining RUCsport you agree to follow our membership conditions and gym rules. They can be found at the subpages below

Data collection
About our data collection: We need to document our members when working with the sports’ union DIF.
We delete information about members 5 years after an ended membership or upon request while terminating a membership.
Your information is handled securely by our treasurer and stored in Denmark on RUC’s server.
Your data is only accessible by the current board members.